Grace Bianciardi, Reviews Co-Editor

Favourite Artwork: Caspar David Friedrich, Wanderer above the Sea of Fog, 1818.

Favourite place in London: Hyde Park.

Fun Fact: “I have two different passports of countries I have never lived in.”

Connect with Grace via Instagram or LinkedIn.

Self Portrait courtesy of Grace Bianciardi.

For more information about Grace, visit her website.

MADE IN BED proudly introduces our newest Reviews Co-Editor, Grace Bianciardi!

Grace Jamieson Bianciardi is currently enrolled in Sotheby’s Institute of Art, pursuing a Master’s degree in Art Business. Born to Italian and American parents, she grew up in an international environment in Lugano, Switzerland where she completed her compulsory education. Grace’s passion for art was passed on by the long hours painting as a small child with her grandfather, who was a painter himself, working with oil and tempera paint. Following this passion, she attended CSIA, an art specialised high school – in Lugano, Switzerland – where she engaged in classical studies, cultivating a particular interest in art history, alongside engaging in printmaking, painting, drawing and sculpture. Fascinated by the history of art and the mechanisms behind innovation leading to the contemporary period, she decided to prioritise learning about the executive inner functions of the art market, whilst maintaining her creative side as a passion.


Grace moved to London to attain her BA (Hons) in Arts Management at Goldsmiths University. During this time, she worked in several commercial art galleries and organisations in Switzerland and London. During the summer she travelled to Sri Lanka, where she volunteered in childcare and taught art to small children. Living and discovering different cultures has intrigued her to pursue travel as a method to discovering international creative outputs. 


In her spare time, Grace continues her creative practise as a passion, whilst walking from gallery to gallery to visit the lates exhibitions and shows across London and worldwide. Encouraged by her international background and roots, travelling is thought by her to be the key to discover emerging artistic cultures and determine the intrinsic network functions of local and international art markets.

For all MADE IN BED Reviews enquiries, please email Grace at


Angel Song, Interviews Co-Editor


Carmen Ruiz de Linares Camacho, Reviews Co-Editor