Carmen Ruiz de Linares Camacho, Reviews Co-Editor

Favourite Artwork: Everything by Paul Cézanne.

Favourite place in London: V&A and Hampstead Heath.

Fun Fact: “I always have a book and a notebook with me but if you ask me for my keys, I´ll probably have forgotten them.”

Connect with Carmen via Instagram.

Portrait courtesy of Alisa Shmeleva.

MADE IN BED proudly introduces our newest Reviews Co-Editor, Carmen Ruiz de Linares Camacho!

Carmen is a 23-year-old woman from Madrid who graduated in law and international relations in May 2023. Though her studies have been crucial in shaping her perception and understanding of the world, her true passion has always been art and the art world.

In September 2023, she moved to London to pursue a master’s degree in Fine Arts and Decorative Arts and Design at Sotheby's Institute of Art. The program not only fulfilled her dream of studying what she loves but also pushed her to explore and challenge herself in new ways, gaining professional experience and reaffirming her belief that her future lies in the art world and London.

Beyond art, she is an avid adventurer and enjoys discovering different cultures. She loves nature, sports, music, animals, history, and understanding the way the world works. As an only child, she values her friendships deeply and always prioritizes taking care of her loved ones. She attributes her values, education and the sensibility to admire art to her parents, which have defined who she is today, and for which she feels completely blessed.

As a lover of beauty, she believes that everyone's perception of art depends on their personal sense of beauty and the emotions that a piece of art evokes in them. However, she also defends that understanding the context and history of the artwork is necessary to comprehend its true meaning and beauty. She views art through a lens of both emotional admiration and historical significance.

For all MADE IN BED Reviews enquiries, please email Carmen at


Grace Bianciardi, Reviews Co-Editor


Hamish Strudwick, Features Co-Editor