Sandra Nikusev, Art Markets Co-Editor

Favourite Artwork: Mersad Berber, Infantin, 1940.

Favourite place in London: Hyde Park.

Fun Fact: “I've unintentionally mastered the art of comedic stair descents. While most people gracefully navigate stairs, I seem to have a unique talent for the occasional (and entirely unintentional) stairway stumble.”

Connect with Sandra via Instagram or LinkedIn.

Photo courtesy of Carolina Cantero.

For more information on Carolina, connect via Instagram.

MADE IN BED proudly introduces our newest Art Markets Co-Editor, Sandra Nikusev!

Sandra Nikusev was recently awarded her undergraduate degree in Art History with Museum and Gallery Studies at the University of East Anglia and is currently pursuing a Master’s degree in Art Business at Sotheby’s Institute of Art. During her studies, Sandra interned for corporate collections and worked as a curator and exhibition officer, creating a virtual exhibition for the ‘Archiving COVID-19 Heritage in Ho Chi Minh City’ project. She also volunteered for the Emma Jonathan Fund, which supports study-related travel for Art History and World Art Studies undergraduates at the University of East Anglia.

Interested in the Art Market, she specialises in corporate collections, collections management, and the auction sector. She continues to deepen her knowledge in these areas while writing engaging articles for the MADE in BED Magazine.

In her spare time, Sandra enjoys reading, climbing and going for runs. If she is not currently writing a MADE IN BED article and engaging in the ever-evolving world of the art market, she will be perfecting her impromptu stairway ballet, turning every descent into a dance floor and making her home a unique blend of literature, athleticism, and unintentional entertainment.

For all MADE IN BED Art Markets enquiries, please email Sandra at


Celeste Melgar, Features Co-Editor


Virgil-Petru Munteanu, Art Markets Co-Editor