Doménico CV Talarico
Domenico CV Talarico. Image courtesy of the artist.
Domenico CV Talarico is a painter living and working in Berlin.
Discover more about Doménico and his work in our feature, Doménico CV Talarico: Artist and Collector, through his website, Instagram or contact the artist at
Artist Statement
Doménico CV Talarico’s paintings are strongly influenced by the nostalgic and sometimes melancholic beauty of the first half of the 20th century. His portraits are all based on real people from the period. They varnished through time, what’s left of them is the photographic remain. Talarico questions the fragility of identity as it fades through time. He uses these photographs and revives people from different decades by placing them in new fictive arrangements, which he presents in series.
His style takes inspiration from the era of French Art Deco and combines it with a contemporary and reduce form of modern portraiture to build a bridge between the past and the present.
Talarico’s artworks are shown in numerous exhibitions across Europe, they are part of private collections in Vienna, Paris and Brussels among other places. He is a part of the Enter Art Foundation in Berlin and founder of the Goldstaub Collective.
Selected exhibitions
Solo exhibitions: Everything Happens Twice, Gallery Nomad, Berlin (2017); Reminiscence, Galerie VonLbisG, Berlin (2016); Reborn, Gallery Nomad, Berlin (2015); Japonesque, RVLT Concept Store, Berlin (2015); Interstellar, Cake Studio, Berlin (2014)
Group exhibitions: Beauty, KL8, Brussels (2020); 4, Golstaub Collective, Online exhibition (2020); Fifty/ fifty – The Matter of Duality, Studio Grigori Dor, Berlin (2020); Art lab Prize, Galerie Benjamin Eck, Munich (2019); Rospigliosi Art Prize, Palazzo Zagarolo, Rome (2019); Silent Perceptions, Grace Denker Gallery, Hamburg (2019); Genesis, Galleria Vittoria, Rome (2018); Portray Gallery Art Number 23, The Biscuit Factory, London (2018); Artists We Love 2, TheWhyNot, Regensburg, Germany (2018); Nautilus x Oreinstein & Koppel Lofts, Berlin (2018); Roomservice, TheWhyNot x Hotel Luis, Regensburg, Germany (2018); ARTMUC, Gallery Nomad, Munich, Germany (2017); Fresh Legs 2018, Gallery Heike Arndt, Berlin (2017); double show, Gallery Povvera x Gallery Nomad, Berlin (2017); 50 Contemporary Artists, Enter Art Foundation, Berlin (2017); Endless Summer, Gallery Offener Raum, Berlin (2016); Anniversary, Gallery Nomad, Berlin (2016); Le Tour Belgique Belgian Quarter, Cologne (2016); Winterkunstkabinett, Gallery Nomad, Berlin (2015); Emerging Artists No.2, Berlin Blue Art Space, Berlin (2015); Brody ArtYard during Art Market Budapest (2015); Le Tour Belgique, Belgian Quarter, Cologne (2015); Winter Art Cabinet, Gallery Nomad, Berlin (2014); Art connect Berlin during Berlin Art Week, Boum Pop Up, Berlin (2014)
Press and Publications
The Why Not, Artist we love: Domenico CV Talarico
Imagery courtesy of the artist.