Emmanuel Moses

Doing your best is taking the action because you love it, not because you’re expecting a reward.
— Don Miguel Ruiz, 1997.

In the world of art, each stroke of the brush, every sculpted form, and every captured moment tells a unique story. Behind every masterpiece lies the creative mind of an artist, whose passion, vision, and talent breathe life into their creations. In this article, we delve into the world of Emmanuel Moses, exploring their artistic journey, inspirations, and the stories behind their captivating works.


Emmanuel Moses in Studio, 2024. Photo Courtesy: Emmanuel Moses.


Moses was born in Panama City, Panama in 1986 and comes from a family where there are no artists or creatives. He received his highschool diploma from the Balboa academy where he discovered his connection and potential in the arts. As he painted in school his arts professor became a building block in his career as she opened up his eyes to what was right in front of him; his passion and talent for the visual arts. At the age of 22, he completed his degree in advertising design from Savannah College of Art and Design. His understanding of design then trickled into his canvases, transforming into sharp lines and soft gradients of pigment. He balanced jobs in advertising with his fine arts pursuits, until the year of 2020 when COVID-19 emerged. In this tumultuous year, his career in the fine arts bloomed; he moved to the beach in Panama where he  focused primarily on the creation of his artworks. Alongside the new selection of artworks came the opportunities as he joined the team of NG Gallery in Panamá City, Panamá.  

Since being represented by NG Gallery he has shown in exhibitions in Panamá, Cuba, Guatemala, Chile, Brazil, Los Angeles, New York and Miami. Collaborations with institutions such as MAC; Museo de Arte Contemporaneo in Panamá City, Panamá, have propelled his art into the global art market. The most recent project in collaboration with MAC was creating this installation piece where the audience could go inside the enclosed dark container and interact with the space. In his artist career this was a growth experience as he was in charge of concept, installation and execution. 

Emmanuel Moses’s artworks, is a captivating study of color, shape, and feeling. He shows mastery of acrylic paint on canvas by having the two contrasting ways in which acrylic can be applied. As a smoothly blended gradient contrasted by strong unblended bold color. With attention to the lines and color application, he creates works of art that are not only visually stimulating but also conceptually moving. His paintings are characterized by lush tropical colors, bright gradients, and sharp black lines, each imbued with life and energy. His bold color choices and dynamic compositions transport viewers, tempting the viewer to jump into the work, where the works are like a portal. Moses’s work captivates the senses and excites the soul. Most of his influence in color theory comes from Josef Albers and his manual titled "The Interaction of Color". Through this “ method based on the idea that only by observing color in the push and tug and pull of context can one begin to understand the nature of color” (“Interaction of Color” albers foundation.org) is the base to most of his painting process. 


His works have interacted and been seen in multiple different cultural contexts allowing for them to be part of a greater global conversation. This can be seen with his large-scale project Detras del Muro for Biennale de la Habana 2022. This mural became one with the space, the community and brought a new light to the conversation between the past and the present. With his works and constant innovation, he has shown the power art can have to create conversion, to adapt to the audience and to spark inspiration. Innovation for him is not defined by changing of style but a change of canvas, dimension and application. In April 19, 2022 he released 320 editions of “Tunel Dimensional” a generative art series, embracing new technologies and its role in art consumption.


Emmanuel is an artist with no limits as he has a clear goal of constantly growing and adapting his art to become expansive in the society and culture it lives in.  His goal is to transcend geographical confines and establish a foothold in the international art scene. Even though these global aspirations are constantly present, he will alway be tethered to Panamá and drive inspiration from his home country, one full of glazing sunshine, breeze scented with pacific salt, and cerulean blue waters. 


Emmanuel Moses, Portal Interestelar Series, Acrylic on Aluminum, 2024. Photo Courtesy: Emmanuel Moses

His artistic proposal is based on a deep and methodical study of color theory, which has led him to select colors through mathematical procedures and considerations to calibrate their weight and pigmentation.
In this way, he builds harmonious compositions of exact and geometric figures that play with the notions of balance and symmetry.
— NG Gallery

As we conclude our artist with Emmanuel Moses, we are left inspired by their resilience, passion, creativity, and dedication to their art. Through their insightful responses, we gain a deeper understanding of the artist behind the art and the stories that infuse their creations with meaning and resonance. We look forward to witnessing Emmanuel Moses's continued artistic journey and the beauty he will undoubtedly continue to bring to the world through his remarkable works.


Selected Shows

2023 - Site Specific Installation, Museum of Contemporary Art (MAC Gala), Panama

2023 - Juannio Auction, Miraflores Museum, Guatemala

2022 - Bienal de la Habana / Detras del Muro, Habana, Cuba

2022 - Art Residency, Studio Enrique Martinez Celaya, Los Angeles

2022 - Scope Art Show, NG Art Gallery, Miami beach, Miami

2022 - Solo Show with FABELOHUNG, NG Art Gallery, Panama

2022 - NFTRio Mapping, Artblocks, Brazil

2022 - Feria ChACO, NG Art Gallery, Chile

2022 - Group Exhibition, Centro de Arte Hispanoamericano, Habana, Cuba

2021 - Scope Art Show, NG Art Gallery, Miami

2021 - Solo Art Show, NG Art Gallery, Panama

2021 - Museum of Contemporary Art Gala Exhibition (MAC), Panama

2020 - Scope Art Show, NG Art Gallery, Miami

2020 - Black and White Group Exhibition, Marion Gallery, Panama

2020 - Group Exhibition, NG Art Gallery, Panama

2020 - Solo Art Show at Marion Gallery, Panama

2020 - Auction Museum of Contemporary Art, Panama

2020 - Museum of Contemporary Art Gala Exhibition (MAC), Panama

2020 - 100 m2 Mural with Articruz in Multiplaza Pacific, Panama

2019 - Group Exhibition Galeria Habitante, Panama

2019 - Responsive Art, Marion Gallery, Panama

2018 - Beginning of 3,200 m2 Building Intervention, Panama

2018 - Group Exhibition Galeria Habitante, Panama

2017 - Klaus Steinmetz Group Show, Panama

2017 - Solo Art Show at Galeria Habitante, Panama

2017 - Group Exhibition Ak kin Light, Guatemala

2016 - Group Exhibition Galeria Habitante, Panama

2016 - Group Exhibition in Galeria Habitante, Panama

2015 - Represented by Galeria 1-2-3, El Salvador

2015 - Solo Art Show at Galeria Mateo Sariel, Panama

2014 - Group Exhibition in Agora Gallery, Chelsea District, New York

2014 - Solo Art Show at Galeria Mateo Sariel, Panama

2014 - Art Auction at Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Panama

2013 - Art Auction at Museo de Arte Contemporaneo, Panama

2012 - First Group Exhibition at Galeria Mateo Sariel, Panama


To learn more about Emmanuel Moses’ practice, connect with him via Instagram.

Celeste Melgar

Features Co-Editor, MADE IN BED


Jolene Liam


Laurence Jansen