J.K. Rowling: the Ickabog and Illustration Opportunity

J.K. Rowling has been writing! After a break from the Harry Potter series, the internationally renowned, Scotland-based writer has begun releasing her new fairytale online: The Ickabog. 


Rowling had been writing the Ickabog while completing the Harry Potter series, but waited to release the Ickabog until a later date. For five years, the chapters collected dust. Rowling, her publisher, and her children agreed that now is the time to begin releasing the chapters of a book which originally “belonged to [her] two younger children” and “have always been a happy memory.” The chapters will be released every weekday online in 34 instalments.

In response to Covid-19, the author will pledge all royalties of the publication to vulnerable communities impacted by the pandemic. 

What comes with the release of the Ickabog is a rolling Illustration Competition for emerging illustrators aged seven to  twelve years old. With every online release, Rowling incites readers to be creative and come up with illustrations based on her suggestions. Themes include the Map and Flag of Cornucopia, Lady Eslanda, and King Fred the Fearless. This is a unique opportunity for young artists to be involved in a massive project. Entries will be considered for publication in the official print text to be published this November. 

Thirty four illustrations which best represent the publication will be chosen by publishers in each country and will be printed in the finished books. Winning illustrators will also receive a signed copy of The Ickabog and books for the entrant’s school or public library of choice. Although Rowling won’t be directly judging the competition, she will be sharing and commenting on Twitter posts of illustrations using the hashtag #TheIckabog. 

Submissions can be entered by illustrators or their parent/guardian via the publisher’s website. The international deadline for submissions is July 17, 2020. 

UK Submissions (Open to UK, Republic of Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, and India):


US Submissions:


The Ickabod chapter releases can be followed here: 


Veda Lane,

Head of Features, MADE IN BED


The Silk Road


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