Help Refugees

‘Choose Art | Give light to refugees’ Charity Auction

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The threat of COVID-19 breaking out in the overcrowded, unsanitary refugee camps where we work, is huge and terrifying. With our partners on the frontlines, we are doing everything we can to prevent outbreaks whilst also preparing for the worst.
— Philli Boyle, Director & Head of Partnerships, Help Refugees

Help Refugees is a pioneering charity movement in humanitarian aid that advocates for long term impact against injustice and provides critical support to vulnerable communities, particularly those affected by the current global pandemic. Help Refugees has managed to reach over one million people through over 120 projects in 15 countries including Bosnia, Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Serbia, UK, Lebanon and Turkey. 

In the face of coronavirus, refugees living in overcrowded, unsanitary camps need our help more than ever. This is why 140 outstanding artists, from all the corners of the globe, decided to team up and put their works at auction in order to support refugees with the Choose Art | Give light to refugees auction. 

The charity auction is open from Monday 8th June to Monday 29th June and can be accessed here.To join the auction you can register here.

All funds raised from the artworks sold will go directly towards increasing support to medical organisations that provide doctors and nurses with emergency isolation accommodations, vital access to medical treatments and water, and distribute sanitary products to prevent the worsening of refugees condition due to COVID-19. 

Barbara Walker, Tableau I

Barbara Walker, Tableau I

In these difficult times it is important not to lose sight of the suffering of those in circumstances even more difficult than ours. We can make a difference in their lives and we can be generous despite all the sacrifices everyone has had to make. There will be few who have not been impacted by these difficult times so we must all try to help each other for the good of all.
— Lo Lik Peng

An outstanding honorary and curatorial committee...

The artworks are selected by a high-profile honorary committee of international arts patrons, philanthropists, collectors, curators, writers and academics. Here’s who they are:

  • Anthony Bond OAM Former Director Curatorial - Art Gallery of NSW, Sydney

  • Professor Ross Harley Dean of UNSW Art & Design - Sydney

  • Penny Harris Visual Arts Specialist and co founder - Parker Harris

  • Elena Hill Director - Ami / Image Expanded UK

  • Dr Adam Lerner Former Director and Chief Animator - Museum of Contemporary Art Denver

  • Jean-Hubert Martin Former Director of several museums : Kunsthalle Bern, Musée d’art moderne Centre Pompidou, Musée des arts d’Afrique et d’Océanie, Paris and Museum Kunst Palast, Düsseldorf

  • Paul Sumner Senior Advisor - Artvisory Pty Ltd and founder - Silk Road Asia

  • Stacie McCormick Director - Unit 1 Gallery | Workshop, Workshop Foundation

  • Loh Lik Peng CEO - Unlisted Collection

  • Dr Stanley Quek CEO - Greencliff

  • Professor Anita Taylor - Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, University of Dundee, Trinity Buoy Wharf Drawing Prize, Drawing Projects UK

  • Jonathan Watkins Director - Ikon Gallery

Working on the project alongside the honorary committee is a highly skilled team of curators:

  • Nicky Ginsberg - NG Art Gallery founder 

  • Gary Sangster – Consulting Director NG Art Gallery

  • Gabriella Beaumont – Creative Assistant NG Art Gallery

  • Sohyun Kim – Exhibitions Coordinator Korean Cultural Center UK. 

Guy Warren, The coming of the boatman

Guy Warren, The coming of the boatman

... for an equally outstanding team of international artists.

Choose Art | Give Light to Refugees showcases a wide spectrum of art from 140 well-established and emerging artists from all corners of the globe via silent auction website Galabid. With internationally renowned artists including Anita Taylor (UK), Emmanuelle Bousquet (France), Ian Howard (Australia), Sunyoung Hwang (South Korea), Guy Warren (Australia), Stacie McCormick (US), Belinda Fox (Netherlands) and Luke Sciberras (Australia), Hyejin Shin (South Korea) the exhibiting artists all bring a unique perspective for this global cause.

Satcie McCormick, Within Itself

Satcie McCormick, Within Itself

Joonhong Min, UrbanCamouflage 

Joonhong Min, UrbanCamouflage 

Wendy Sharpe, Pink afternoon

Wendy Sharpe, Pink afternoon

For further enquiries, please contact Nicky Ginsberg and the rest of the curatorial team: 


Telephone: +44 0 7554 621 000

WhatsApp: +61 417 494 317

Instagram: @ngartcreativeresidency

Chiara Aluigi,

Contributor, MADE IN BED


Boss Women of the Art World: Zanele Muholi


Boss Women of the Art World: Nancy Rubins